

Customer Satisfaction Survey – AU Staff Performance Management

1.0 General Information

1.1 The Court used to implement the staff performance appraisal tools developed by the AUC from 2008 to 2013. Staff appraisals were conducted through paper submissions.
1.2 During the consideration of staff appraisal reports by Judges for extension of contracts, they expressed their dissatisfaction concerning the appraisal tools as well as the manner of rating staff members by their supervisors. They then requested the Registry to design its own appraisal tools and guidelines to evaluate its staff.
1.3 At its 31st Ordinary Session held from November 25 to December 6, 2013, the Court adopted its own Policy, tools and guidelines on staff performance appraisal. This Policy was implemented from January 2014 to December 2017. Staff appraisals were also conducted through paper submissions.
1.4 In October 2017, SAP ERP was rolled out to the Court with its module on Staff Performance Management. This led the Court to adopt the AU online staff appraisal policy and tools advocated by the AUC. This policy has been applied to evaluate staff members in 2018 and 2019
1.5 In October 2019, the AU revised its Performance Management Policy for all AU Organs (see the attachment) to include Elected Officials in the system. Most of the previous appraisal procedures and tools remain the same. This Policy is currently being implemented by the Court.
1.6 The main purpose of this survey is to collect the views of Supervisors and Supervisees of the Court on the implementation of this AU Staff Performance Management Policy by the Court in order to identify their level of satisfaction, areas for improvement, and proposals for strengthening its implementation and other aspects of performance appraisal as well.
1.7 In considering the above-mentioned, please take a moment to duly fill in this short survey.

2.0 General Characteristics of Respondents

2.1 - Sex

2.2 - Type of contract (if you have had successively different types of contracts, please mention the current type of contract)

2.3 - Length of service (since you started working for the Court to date)

2.4 - Indicate the Office, Division, Unit to which you belong

3.0 Please rate the following questions on a five-point scale, ranging from 1 (low score or appreciation) to 5 (high score or appreciation)

3.1 The expected benefits of the AU Performance Management are numerous, among which: to align organization and individual objectives, to ensure the individual and collective contributions of staff towards the accomplishment of the mandate of the Court, to ensure sound staff career development, etc. Do you understand these main issues and act accordingly by playing your role to the fullest extent?

If your rating is less than 3, could you describe at least one of the main issues that you wish to bring to the attention of the Management (not compulsory):

3.2 The AU Performance Management is comprised of three-phase cycle among which the planning is the first key step that drives the others, namely the midterm and end term reviews. In principle: - The strategic objectives of the Court shall annually be translated into the performance objectives (results that must achieve) and assigned to the Offices and Divisions. They shall in turn be cascaded to the Units and set into individual performance objectives with clear targets; - The individual performance objectives shall be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Based). To that end, the deliverables and KPIs (key performance indicators – quantifiable performance measures) should be cleared specified. Individual objectives are also set with clear activities to be carried.

3.2.1 Do you think that this principle is understood and followed by the Office or the Division or the Unit that you belong to, as well by you and your colleagues from the same entity?

3.2.2 With regard to setting your individual performance objectives in consideration of SMART and other requirements (setting individual objectives with clear activities, KPIs, etc.), how do you rate the manner of developing your individual performance objectives – self assessment?

If your rating is less than 4, how do you think the Registry could better assist you to improve your planning skills in line with the AU Performance Management requirements (not compulsory)?

3.2.3 As Supervisor, are you conversant in setting the performance objectives of your Office or Division or Unit, including assisting staff under your supervision in setting their own individual performance objectives? (this question is for Supervisors only).

3.2.4 Does your 1st Supervisor provide you with constructive feedback when setting your individual performance objectives?

If your rating is less than 3, could you suggest how your supervisor can better support you to develop your individual performance objectives (not compulsory)?

3.3 The second and third key steps of the AU Staff Performance appraisals are the midterm and end term reviews.

3.3.1 As you well know, the midterm and end term reviews are preceded by staff self-appraisal. In performing staff self-appraisal, it is expected from each staff to provide accurate information on the achieved results (deliverables) against all agreed objectives and activities, including providing relevant information on the challenges and recommendations, if any. In view of this statement, how do you rate the manner of handling your self-appraisal?

If your rating is less than 4, could you suggest how your Supervisors and/or the Management could help you to improve your self-appraisal (not compulsory)?

3.3.2 With regard to the assessment of your individual objectives, are you satisfied with the ratings of your objectives by your supervisor? Does your rating reflect your contributions to the work of the Registry and the Court?

If your rating is less than 3, please specify the issues which may need to be tackled by the Supervisors and/or the Management (not compulsory)?

3.3.3 What about the assessment of your AU values and core competencies? Are you satisfied with the ratings of your objectives which reflect your contributions to the work of the Registry and the Court?

If your rating is less than 3, please specify the issues which may need to be tackled to reduce subjectivity or bias or any other issues (not compulsory)?

3.3.4 Does your 1st Supervisor communicate (face to face discussions, exchange emails, oral communications, etc.) and provide you with constructive feedback on the outcomes of your midterm and end of term reviews before validating your appraisal reports?

3.3.5 If it happened that you compared your successive assessments with the assessments of your colleagues from the same or different Offices, Divisions, and Units on grounds of equity, are you satisfied with the manner of assessing your contributions to the work of the Registry and the Court? If not, please skip this question.

If your rating is less than 3, could you make some suggestions on major issues which may need to be tackled by the Supervisors and/or the Management (not compulsory)?

3.3.6 What do you do when you perceive that your appraisal ratings are below your expectations? Please describe, if any ___________

3.3.7 What do you do when you are convinced that your performance outcomes are below standards and require you some improvements to raise these standards? Please describe, if any.

3.4 Concerning the Personal Development Plan (PDP) or Staff capacity building that is intended to help staff members in achieving their performance objectives, Supervisors and Supervisees used to discuss and propose training programmes for consideration. Unfortunately, only few of the proposed programmes are implemented mostly due to the budget constraint. At the end, most programmes are generally carried forward .for later consideration. With regard to the implementation of training programmes approved by the Court and as per the provisions of the Learning and Development Policy of the Court, the Training Committee of the Registry, is involved in designating staff members to be trained.

Do you have some proposals which can contribute to the strengthening the training activities in general or the PDP in particular, please mention them (not compulsory)?

3.5 From the annual Performance appraisal records, it has been noted that the calendars of setting individual objectives and of conducting midterm and end term reviews are not properly followed by most Supervisors and Supervisees.

According to you, what could be done to comply with these calendars?

3.6 As per its assigned duties and responsibilities, HR Unit is called to provide appraisal support to the supervisors and supervises to enable them better implementing appraisal tools and to comply with the provisions of the Policy. Are you satisfied with the support given to you as supervisor or supervise (please indicate if you are in a supervision position)?

If your rating is less than 3, could you make some suggestions on areas of support that you mostly expect from the HR Unit (not compulsory)?

3.7 As per its assigned duties and responsibilities, IT Unit is called to provide IT appraisal support to the supervisors and supervises to enable them to make use of IT toolsAs you all know SAP connectivity is not stable for a while and IT Unit was working with AUC to address it. Apart from this issue, How do you rate the IT appraisal support provided to you (please indicate if you are in a supervision position)?

If your rating is less than 3, could you make some suggestions on areas of support that you mostly expect from the IT Unit (not compulsory)?

Closing remarks:

3.8 Do you have any general suggestions for improving the management of Performance appraisal?